Over 40 years of Leading, Promoting, and Supporting Innovative Learning Experiences throughout Minnesota.

Students & Educators

MAAP is dedicated to promoting and supporting alternative programs that provide unique and effective learning opportunities for students across Minnesota.
Supporting Educators
MAAP provides teachers & administrators with professional development, resources, and connection to a community of like-minded educators
Celebrating Students
MAAP's programs foster independence, resilience, and success in students through personalized learning experiences.
Discover all that the Minnesota Association of Alternative Programs does to support students, teachers, and school administrators in the state.
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Discover all that the Minnesota Association of Alternative Programs does to support students, teachers, and school administrators in the state.

2025 STARS Spring Conference

Join MAAP and Make a Difference
Discover innovative learning experiences for Minnesota students and get involved in MAAP's mission.

2024 MAAP State Conference is back!
We look forward to seeing you all again in February.
Early Bird Pricing Expires December 15th!
Still have questions? Reach out!