Start your MAAP Journey

Join us at MAAP 101 to learn everything you need to know to kick start your MAAP journey.

A blue wave
MAAP 101

Unlock Your Potential at MAAP 101

Join us for the MAAP 101 Conference, where newcomers can learn about alternative education, network with professionals, and get inspired to create change in the education system.

Expand your network with like-minded professionals

Gain valuable insights for your professional growth

Stay ahead with the latest trends in alternative education

A group of people standing next to each other.
Discover MAAP

MAAP 101 Fall Conference

Experience a day of insightful panel discussions, engaging workshops, and inspiring keynote speakers at MAAP 101 Conference. Connect with educators, administrators, and creatives to build your alternative school network and make new friends along the way.

October 27th, 2023

Join us for a one day kick-off to our year.

Terra Nova School

Join our gracious hosts at Terra Nova School in Buffallo, MN.

Get up to speed!

Be inspired by influential leaders in the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about the MAAP 101 Conference, including location, schedule, and accommodations.

What is the location?

MAAP 101 is hosted by our friends at Terra Nova School in Buffalo, MN, about 45 minutes northwest of the Twin Cities.

What is the schedule?

This one-day conference contains a variety of sessions and workshops. A detailed schedule will be available closer to the event.

Who is MAAP 101 meant for?

MAAP 101 is for anyone Interested in learning more about MAAP and our offerings and programs. It is the time to sit back, drink coffee, talk with educators, administrators and creatives to begin building your alternative school network and make some new friends in the process!

“MAAP 101 is the kick off, the starting whistle, the first blank canvas, the first props, and the click of the pen before the first draft.”

Join the MAAP 101 Conference

Register now and be part of the MAAP community